Master's theses and doctoral dissertations written by Kent State graduate students are cataloged in KentLINK. Since 2006, links to electronic versions of the theses and dissertations have been included in the KentLINK records. Before 2006 (and including some theses and dissertations from 2006), two printed copies of each were placed in the library system. One is a noncirculating copy that is in Special Collections and Archives, and the other is a circulating copy that was placed in the collection according to its Library of Congress Classification system subject area. Some are now in storage, and some are only available in the microfilm format. If you are looking for a specific thesis or dissertation, you should search by the author's name or the title. If you are looking for theses and dissertations on a particular topic, you can use the advanced search feature of KentLINK to limit your search to the material type "THESIS/DISS."
You can search for electronic theses and dissertations that were written by students at both Kent State and other Ohio schools at the OhioLINK ETD Center. Other resources include the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations and the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database (requires off-campus authentication)
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