Answered By: Kristin Yeager
Last Updated: Aug 30, 2016     Views: 2508

Around June 2016, a new option called "Use legacy View Results format" appeared in Qualtrics when exporting survey results in CSV or SPSS format.

The new use legacy View Results format option is the first option that appears when exporting to CSV or SPSS format, and is selected by default.

This setting appears to affect the names of Qualtrics's survey-specific variables, e.g. ResponseID, start and end date, etc. These variables normally appear as the first 10-11 columns in an exported dataset.

Variable names Variable labels
Survey variable names and labels when "Use legacy View Results format" is ON (checked).
V1 ResponseID
V2 ResponseSet
V3 Name
V4 ExternalDataReference
V5 EmailAddress
V6 IPAddress
V7 Status
V8 StartDate
V9 EndDate
V10 Finished
Survey variable names and labels when "Use legacy View Results format" is OFF (unchecked).
Variable names Variable labels
ResponseID ResponseID
ResponseSet ResponseSet
IPAddress IPAddress
StartDate StartDate
EndDate EndDate
RecipientLastName RecipientLastName
RecipientFirstName RecipientFirstName
RecipientEmail RecipientEmail
ExternalDataReference ExternalDataReference
Finished Finished
Status Status

Notice that some of the variables are ordered differently, and the variable referring to [respondent] name in the "legacy" format is split into two variables in the "nonlegacy" format (first name and last name).

The "legacy" format also affects the names of any scoring-related variables on a survey (if scores have been set up).

Legacy format ON (checked) Legacy format OFF (unchecked) Definition
Change in scoring variable names.
SC0_0 Score-sum Sum of scored values for a given scale
SC0_1 Score-weightedAvg Weighted average of scored values for a given scale
SC0_2 Score-weightedStdDev Weighted standard deviation of scored values for a given scale

Update (2016-08-30): An additional option, Use question numbers, was added to the legacy data export for all file types. When turned on, this option uses the questions' numbers as the variable names in the exported data file. If this option is turned off, Qualtrics will use the names V11, V12, V13..., for variable names. The "Use question numbers" option is enabled by default.

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